Compiled by Shanna Francis In 1976, lifetime Valley resident Laverna Burnett Newey published her landmark book Remember My Valley, which recounts the history of this bucolic Valley from 1825 to 1976. She references in the first paragraph the “shimmering man-made lake” that forms a mirror for the surrounding mountains with its three far-reaching arms the collect the run-off water from the North Fork, Middle Fork, and South Fork rivers. She...Read More
By Steve Clarke, Feasibility Steering Committee Chairman The long awaited preliminary Feasibility of Incorporation study by Weber County has been received by the groups steering committee. The study provided useful data on revenues that might be expected within the new city boundaries, and on potential costs. The data showed a significant deficit using the originally submitted boundaries, which included Heritage Knolls, Radford Hills, Ogden Canyon, and the area generally known...Read More
Compiled by Shanna Francis Since January 2022, a team of Valley residents has been working on an effort to petition the state for a feasibility study to determine the economic viability of Ogden Valley becoming its own self-governing entity—an independent, incorporated Ogden Valley community. The initial petition effort culminated May 11, 2023 with a certificate from the state’s lieutenant governor’s office, signed by Lt. Governor Deidre M. Henderson, stating that...Read More
Compiled by Shanna Francis Community members working toward qualifying for a state-funded feasibility study on the incorporation of Ogden Valley are continuing their efforts, despite a recent miscalculation setback on the part of Weber County who was directed by the state to qualify and quantify and gathered submitted incorporation feasibility petition signatures. The gathering of enough signatures—representing 10% of the proposed boundary’s private land and 7% of the marketable value...Read More
By Brandi Hammon The rumors are flying with the news of the Ogden Valley Incorporation effort that is underway. This a brief overview of the intent, process, sponsors and where more information is available. Hopefully this will quell any misinformation and open the door to your participation with the future of Ogden Valley. An open house will be held at the Mountain Luxury Lodge at 3632 N. Wolf Creek Drive...Read More