Compiled by Shanna Francis
“Your Valley, Your Voice,” that is the call from sponsors behind the incorporation of Ogden Valley, who say they are pleased to announce that a recent study by an independent consulting firm, LRB Public Finance Advisors, commissioned by the state of Utah’s Lieutenant Governor’s Office, has concluded that Ogden Valley, as an incorporated entity, will be financially able to sustain itself at the same level of service currently provided by Weber County. Good news for Valley residents who are interested in local administrative control of this mountain community.
The feasibility study was completed December 7, with findings indicating that incorporation would likely result in a five-percent budget surplus when available revenues are compared to current expenses. This indication of a surplus has allowed the incorporation process to proceed.
The next step in the incorporation process is the call for two public meetings where the consultant, LRB, will present their findings and then take questions from the public. The first of these two public meetings will be held January 30, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Snowcrest Junior High in Eden. The date for the second meeting is yet to be determined.
After the two presentations regarding the results of the feasibility study, a second petition will be distributed for signatures, asking for the community’s support of incorporation. This petition requires signatures by private landowners representing 10% of the total private acreage located within the proposed incorporation boundaries, which represents 7% of the total private property value. In addition, signatures need to include at least 10% of the registered voters within the boundary. With the collection of these signatures, the question as to whether Ogden Valley should incorporate will then be placed on the November 2024 ballot. If a simple majority of the voters within the proposed new city agree to incorporating, in the next election new city government officials will be voted into office to represent the newly incorporated Ogden Valley community.
To learn more about the proposed incorporation of Ogden Valley, its sponsors, a copy of the boundary map, and answers to commonly asked questions, please visit