Community Meeting on Incorporation Slated for February 28 at OV Library

Ogden Valley Incorporated > Feasibility > Community Meeting on Incorporation Slated for February 28 at OV Library

Compiled by Shanna Francis

It’s been twenty years since Ogden Valley residents made the initial effort to incorporate this high mountain valley—to switch from a county-wide governing body to one locally governed by elected local officials who understand local issues and represent local constituents. While residents since then had hoped for greater representation and decisions made that better reflect the needs and desires of the community, many gaps remain in the current political administrative process.

This is why an incorporation feasibility request was recently submitted by the residents of Ogden Valley to the State of Utah’s Lieutenant Governor’s office in accordance with Utah Code Section 10-2a, Incorporation of a Municipality. This effort has been made, once again, as a means of building an inclusive community dedicated to the unique quality of life that separates Ogden Valley from the remainder of the county—its historic core values and the community’s rural character and traditional communal cohesiveness.

Through incorporation of Ogden Valley, community challenges will be addressed through active collaboration and public engagement and by accommodating growth in a sustainable way that maintains our rural integrity and tradition while enabling people who live and work here to thrive.

This can be achieved by Ogden Valley becoming its own municipality—a self-governing Political Subdivision of the State with a governing body elected solely by local residents.

The proposed boundaries of the new town will include most of the valley floor and surrounding hillsides. For a map of these proposed boundaries, and additional information regarding the incorporation process, including the upcoming feasibility study, please visit Facebook page OgdenValleyIncorporation, or send an email to

A community meeting has also been planned to discuss the incorporation status and next steps, present the proposed city map, and to answer questions from the community. It is scheduled for February 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ogden Valley Library in Huntsville Town.